Document number: P1951R1
Date: 2021-01-25
Audience: LWG
Reply-to: Logan R. Smith <[email protected]>

Default Arguments for pair's Forwarding Constructor

Feature Test Macro
Implementation Experience
Proposed Changes





This paper proposes defaulting the template arguments U1 and U2 in pair's forwarding constructor to T1 and T2 respectively, so that braced initializers may be used as constructor arguments to it.


Consider this innocent-looking construction of a std::pair:

std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> p("hello", {});

This code uses simple, highly natural syntax for the constructor arguments; it is what any C++ programmer, beginner or expert, would hope to be able to write. During constructor overload resolution, two two-argument constructors (or constructor templates) are considered:

(A) constexpr explicit(see below) pair(const T1& x, const T2& y);


(B) template<class U1, class U2> constexpr explicit(see below) pair(U1&& x, U2&& y);

The more efficient option, and the one the user likely hoped would be used, is (B), which takes two forwarding references and perfectly forwards them to the constructors of first and second. However, since the second argument to the constructor was given as {}, the type of U2 cannot be deduced, and so (B) is removed from overload resolution and (A) is selected. From there, a temporary std::string and std::vector<std::string> are created at the call site, and are passed by const reference to be copied into first and second. Thus, the simplest and easiest code to write results in potentially very inefficient behavior.

(Note, by contrast, if the pair is constructed using the similar-in-spirit p("hello", std::vector<std::string>{}), then (B) is selected, since U2 can be deduced in this case. This subtlety of syntax is surprising and user-unfriendly.)

If (B)'s template arguments were adjusted slightly to default to the pair's first and second type, respectively, there would be a fallback when deduction of braced initializers fails. Using the following adjusted signature:

(C) template<class U1=T1, class U2=T2> constexpr explicit(see below) pair (U1&& x, U2&& y);

this overload can now be selected for the example case above, so the example pair's string member is constructed in-place from a perfectly-forwarded string literal, and its vector member is move-constructed instead of copy-constructed from the temporary vector at the call site.

There is precedent in the standard library for using default template arguments specifically to accommodate braced initializers; for instance, std::optional's forwarding constructor, and the second parameter of std::exchange. This paper recommends std::pair adopt this same strategy, for reducing surprise and making the most natural syntax be acceptably efficient.


This change would alter the meaning of existing code that uses braced initializers in the construction of pairs, likely changing copies to moves or perfectly-forwarded constructions in many cases. It is all but certain that this new behavior would be welcomed over the old.

Note that this proposal has no effect on APIs such as std::map::emplace which forward constructor arguments to pair, since those APIs need to deduce all argument types on their own first before forwarding them. Code such as

    std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> m;
    m.emplace("hello", {});

remains ill-formed after this proposal.

Feature Test Macro

It could be argued that this change should also introduce a feature test macro (say, __cpp_lib_pair_ctor_default_tmpl_args), but such a macro would be of extremely limited value. Consider an example usage such as

    #ifdef __cpp_lib_pair_ctor_default_tmpl_args
    pair<int, unique_ptr<int>> p{42, {}};
    pair<int, unique_ptr<int>> p{42, unique_ptr<int>{}};

This code is needlessly verbose; the second branch of the conditional will work as desired both with and without this change. A user who understands the problem addressed by this paper (and thus the need for the feature test macro) would likely also understand that the second branch works in both cases. A user who does not understand the problem addressed by this paper would likely not be able to write the code using the feature test macro either.

Implementation Experience

This change has been experimentally implemented in a local fork of libc++. The implementation was trivial and all existing unit tests passed. Additional unit tests verifying the correct behavior after this proposal also passed.

Proposed Changes

Change the constructor's declaration in the synopsis in 20.4.2 [pairs.pair]:
template<class U1=T1, class U2=T2> 
  constexpr explicit(see below) pair(U1&& x, U2&& y);

Likewise, change the declaration around 20.4.2 [pairs.pair] p11:

template<class U1=T1, class U2=T2> constexpr explicit(see below) pair(U1&& x, U2&& y);


Thanks to Narut Sereewattanawoot for helping discuss this problem and work out this solution. Also thanks to Ville Voutilainen and Bryce Adelstein Lelbach for their wording guidance.